Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Koch Brothers 1

Can the rich influence the 'masses' to do thier bidding?

I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half

I was looking for an image of an old labor movement poster that had the fat cat asking the mouse “You going let that union guy steal your cookie?” which I’ve always thought was the ultimate stick in the eye to working class people who watch Fox News and believe billionaire “job creators” deserve t...

Well, political manipulation its actually quite common, as Bill Moyers explains...

Moyers & Company 101: On Winner Take All Politics from on Vimeo.

Also, here's a news report...

‎"The Koch Brothers are worth $50 billion. They’ve bankrolled the Tea Party, the campaign against climate change science, and entire university departments to advance their right-wing agenda. The newest item on their shopping list: their own Center for American Progress."

The following is from Koch Brothers Exposed

Reversing years of societal stabilization...

This film and investigation connects the dots and reveals why the Koch brothers are trying to end public education and how their wealth winds up in the hands of Jim Crow. Watch the video, then call David Koch and tell him to stop funding school resegregation now. His number is 212-319-1100.

EXPOSED: Koch Industries and Cancer Risk

Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

Important Links

Bill Koch: Koch Inc. is Organized Crime

The Cato Institute

[Completed Part 1 on 2nd Feb '12]


1. Ann Coulter: ‎"A leading conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation, helped design Romneycare, and its health care analyst, Bob Moffit, flew to Boston for the bill signing. Romneycare was also supported by Regina Herzlinger, Harvard Business School professor and health policy analyst for the conservative Manhattan Institute. Herzlinger praised Romneycare for making consumers, not business or government, the primary purchasers of health care."

2. From (On Obama's health care bill): Still, there's little doubt that Heritage has been a consistent and eager promoter of the exchange idea, especially during the effort to design a new health care system for Massachusetts. That effort concluded with the Democratic legislature joining with the Republican governor, Romney, to implement a system that includes a health insurance exchange. On numerous occasions, Heritage scholars wrote approvingly of the exchange system in Massachusetts, known as the Connector. In a paper about the Massachusetts plan published on April 11, 2006, Edmund Haislmaier, a Heritage fellow in health care policy, wrote of the "truly significant and transformative health system changes that the legislation would set in motion."

3. A discussion on Fox "News": Does President Obama have an “enemies list”? That’s the provocative allegation put forth by Ted Olson in the Wall Street Journal. Olson is a former member of the Bush Administration as well as representative of the Koch Brothers who just so happen to be the only real people Olson thinks is on this supposed list. So, does the list exist? That’s what The Five asked in the top segment today.

Explanation: Heritage is a Koch created and funded institute (... and read above to see where Obama got his healthcare idea from... i.e. it's a trap for the general elections - 'Keep your friends close and...')

1. "Before joining Heritage in June 2007, Loris was an associate at the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, immersing himself for a year in a market-based management program."  ,

2. "Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2009: $3,976,571"

3. Sourcewatch: A list of Koch Funded Orgs - See "echo chamber" above ( for more info: Examples of Echo Chambers - Part 1 AND Examples of Echo Chambers - Part 2 )


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