Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More proof that the right vs. left debate is an ideological one.

It is very obvious from the following video that the anchor of Fox News Sunday genuinely believes what he is saying, i.e. he is obviously not lying (an assertion by some 'liberals' on the 'left' about Fox News in general). Also, notice that Jon Stewart respects the fellow and the debate is very civil... and even though they disagree there is an affection between the two.

I have outlined in this post on politics, that the economic debate over the US economy is an ideological one. You can see clearly that the anchor of Fox News believes that the media's ... er, lets say 'war, is an ideological one of liberals vs. conservatives, while on the other hand, Stewart believes that though there is a liberal bias in the other media (besides Fox) their focus is sensationalism and laziness (which he proves).

Another observation. the Fox News anchor didn't like South Park (a rather 'in your face' adult cartoon). That is understandable, many people can't handle that show especially amongst the older generations on both sides of the political divide. This is a normal conservative view irrespective of party all over the world. Also, Jon Stewart is from New York which is a very 'in your face' kinda city compared to the cities and towns of the south (the Republican base).

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