Friday, June 24, 2011

Who is Ayn Rand?

The following extract is from a 'Brief Biography of Ayn Rand':

Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 2, 1905. At age six she taught herself to read and two years later discovered her first fictional hero in a French magazine for children, thus capturing the heroic vision which sustained her throughout her life. At the age of nine, she decided to make fiction writing her career.

Notes on Ayn Rand from the above video:

Her philosophy is of rational self interest and she states that the purpose of life is in pursuing your own happiness with NO regard for others.

In the video clip of her interview in the above video you will find the following:
She claims to be challenging the moral code of altruism

Altriusm is immoral is it is placed above oneself (i.e. nothing should be above you).

If a man of woman is weak they don't deserve love.

In some instances it is appropriate to be selfish and in other instances it isn't ...

"This officer — like so many others I have met with on bases, in Baghdad and Bagram, at Walter Reed and Bethesda Naval Hospital — spoke with humility about how hisunit worked together as one — depending on each other, and trusting one another, as a family might do in a time of peril."

One Christian's view on Ayn Rand:

"Last month, author and Coffee Party contributor Michael Stafford's widely read essay decried the "Paul Ryan" budget and humorously compared Ryan's intellectual hero, Ayn Rand, to L. Ron Hubbard. On our blog talk radio show, Stafford described himself as a Republican and a true conservative who refuses to abandon his party to Glenn Beck and the politics of resentment. His writing is that of a man of faith who applies the teachings of the Bible to civic life, without the filter of partisan electioneering. Stafford, and other conservative leaders, are directly confronting political strategists on the far right, including Congressman Ryan, who are using the philosophy of Ayn Rand to supplant the teachings of the Bible with regard to our responsibility to society and our attitudes toward the elderly and the less fortunate, in order to muster public support for policies that benefit only the super-wealthy and multi-national corporations."

On her own Ayn Rand is fine. She had her philosophy. She wrote some fiction books and made allot of sales. I'm happy for her. The problem the United States is facing now is for some odd reason, the leaders of the Republican Party (and thus its news channel Fox) have decided to adopt the philosophy of a fiction writer as their party platform. That is absurd. (Here is a link to a movie about her)

Here is the kind of stuff you will find about the Republican Leaders Ideological Platoform:

The U.S. economy is crumbling. Businesses are collapsing in record numbers. Jobs have disappeared. Tax revenues are down dramatically. Coincidence?

Everything happening today under Obama resembles the storyline of Ayn Rand’s famous book, "Atlas Shrugged," one of the most popular books of all time, selling over 7 million copies. Now, under President Obama, "Atlas Shrugged" has come to life. Rand prophesized a country dominated by socialists, Marxists and statists, where looters, free loaders and poverty promoters live off the productive class. To rationalize the fleecing of innovative business owners and job creators, the looter class demonized the wealthy, just as Obama and his socialist cabal are doing in real life today.

The central plot of "Atlas Shrugged" is that in response to being demonized, over-taxed, over-regulated, and punished for success, America’s business owners were disappearing — dropping off the grid, and refusing to work 16-hour days to support those unwilling to put in the same blood, sweat and tears. They were going on strike. Because of that the original proposed title of “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike.”

They were going on strike to teach that civilization cannot survive when people are slaves to government. That without a productive class of innovative business owners willing to risk their own money and work 16-hour days, weekends and holidays, there are no jobs and no taxes to pay for government. If you punish the wealthy, the risk-takers, the innovators, you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. In Obama’s America, fiction is becoming fact.

Just a few problems withe the above ideological position...

One of the biggest problems in the economy is the housing market, which collapsed after some of Bush's policies on the matter were implemented...

Yet another problem created by Bush...

From Warren Buffet:

Billionaire Warren Buffett said that the Bush tax cuts should be allowed to expire for the richest Americans and that the “trickle down” economic theory hasn’t worked.

“The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we’ll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on,” Buffett said in the clip from ABC News’ “

Warren Buffet isn't the only rich guy who is fine with being taxed...

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