Thursday, March 31, 2011

Introduction: Fox News In Context

Bret Baier Extended Interview on the Daily Show:

"In this unedited, extended interview, Bret Baier trusts that Fox News viewers can discern the difference between opinion shows and news."

Take away:

Glenn Beck makes it feel like an appocalypse is comming and the rest of the Fox news program is 'telling the viewers how'.


Fox is a cover for some political operation underneath it (?)

Fox is the best rated cable news channel (Note: This involves marketing)

One thing that is obvious from the above videos is that the debate between the left and right in America has become extremely polarized. that is another reason I prefer BBC World News, they don't sit around a table and yell angrily at each other (a common theme in American news) but talk calmly. To gain a proper perspective of news (or anything for that matter) requires a calmness of mind which can't be achieved through anger as it causes stress - And stress shuts down the brains ability to think as it sends your body-brain into a 'fight or flight' response which decreases or reduces the blood supply to the brain and sends it to your muscles so you can fight or run the fuck away.

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