Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Koch Brothers 1

Can the rich influence the 'masses' to do thier bidding?

I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half

I was looking for an image of an old labor movement poster that had the fat cat asking the mouse “You going let that union guy steal your cookie?” which I’ve always thought was the ultimate stick in the eye to working class people who watch Fox News and believe billionaire “job creators” deserve t...

Well, political manipulation its actually quite common, as Bill Moyers explains...

Moyers & Company 101: On Winner Take All Politics from on Vimeo.

Also, here's a news report...

‎"The Koch Brothers are worth $50 billion. They’ve bankrolled the Tea Party, the campaign against climate change science, and entire university departments to advance their right-wing agenda. The newest item on their shopping list: their own Center for American Progress."

The following is from Koch Brothers Exposed

Reversing years of societal stabilization...

This film and investigation connects the dots and reveals why the Koch brothers are trying to end public education and how their wealth winds up in the hands of Jim Crow. Watch the video, then call David Koch and tell him to stop funding school resegregation now. His number is 212-319-1100.

EXPOSED: Koch Industries and Cancer Risk

Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

Important Links

Bill Koch: Koch Inc. is Organized Crime

The Cato Institute

[Completed Part 1 on 2nd Feb '12]


1. Ann Coulter: ‎"A leading conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation, helped design Romneycare, and its health care analyst, Bob Moffit, flew to Boston for the bill signing. Romneycare was also supported by Regina Herzlinger, Harvard Business School professor and health policy analyst for the conservative Manhattan Institute. Herzlinger praised Romneycare for making consumers, not business or government, the primary purchasers of health care."

2. From (On Obama's health care bill): Still, there's little doubt that Heritage has been a consistent and eager promoter of the exchange idea, especially during the effort to design a new health care system for Massachusetts. That effort concluded with the Democratic legislature joining with the Republican governor, Romney, to implement a system that includes a health insurance exchange. On numerous occasions, Heritage scholars wrote approvingly of the exchange system in Massachusetts, known as the Connector. In a paper about the Massachusetts plan published on April 11, 2006, Edmund Haislmaier, a Heritage fellow in health care policy, wrote of the "truly significant and transformative health system changes that the legislation would set in motion."

3. A discussion on Fox "News": Does President Obama have an “enemies list”? That’s the provocative allegation put forth by Ted Olson in the Wall Street Journal. Olson is a former member of the Bush Administration as well as representative of the Koch Brothers who just so happen to be the only real people Olson thinks is on this supposed list. So, does the list exist? That’s what The Five asked in the top segment today.

Explanation: Heritage is a Koch created and funded institute (... and read above to see where Obama got his healthcare idea from... i.e. it's a trap for the general elections - 'Keep your friends close and...')

1. "Before joining Heritage in June 2007, Loris was an associate at the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, immersing himself for a year in a market-based management program."  ,

2. "Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2009: $3,976,571"

3. Sourcewatch: A list of Koch Funded Orgs - See "echo chamber" above ( for more info: Examples of Echo Chambers - Part 1 AND Examples of Echo Chambers - Part 2 )


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Introducing... Bill O'Reilly

Sorry if big Bill O'Reilly fans are offended by this, but even taking out the really bad stuff I still end up with a ton of evidence proving that Bill O'Reilly is a hypocrite at best...

Using kids to do his dirty work i.e. uses an emotional tactic ("humble correspondent"!)...


His shameless marketing doesn't quite end there though...

Bill O'Reilly supports America's troops by sending them what they need most on the battlefield: his book...

Article about Bill O'Reilly's inaccuracies: Ford's Theatre bookstore bans Bill O'Reilly's book on Lincoln assassination over 'inaccuracies'



O'Reilly's book claims that Civil War Generals Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant 'will never meet again' after the 'surrender meeting' at the Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865 - but they did meet again - the very next day.

In Chapter 19, the book asserts that Ford's Theatre 'burned to the ground in 1863.' While it was consumed by fire, the structure was still standing.

There are also multiple references to Lincoln being in the Oval Office, a room in the White House that wasn't built until 1909, 44 years after Lincoln's death.

The book says the formal name of Ford's Theatre is 'Ford's Opera House,' when its actual formal name became 'Ford’s New Theatre' when it was rebuilt following an 1862 fire.

The play Our American Cousin, which was watched by Lincoln at the time of his assassination was performed seven times at Ford's Theatre prior to that night, not eight as O'Reilly's book claims.

Religious Hypocrisy

On one side... Islam...

Memo: Containing Radical Islam: Now all over the world, extreme Muslims believe they're allowed to kill people with whom they disagree. They even kill each other. Thousands of people are dying and the world's response is largely silence. Remember, the Sudanese government is allowing killers to slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians in Darfur. As China blocks action in the U.N., the world just stands by and watches.

There is no question that Muslim killers are a threat to the entire world. Iran is funding and arming Hezbollah, which may start a war in Lebanon any time. Pakistan is allowing the Taliban sanctuary so it can kill Afghans and Americans at will. And Al Qaeda is actively seeking ways to kill just about everybody. With Pakistan already having nukes and Iran on the way to getting them, you'd have to be a complete moron not to understand the danger here.

On the other side... Christianity...

To Peter King: O'REILLY: It is wrong. I agree. I've known you for a long time. You're not a racist. And Mr. Rush and Miss Dukes are cheap for playing that race card against you. But the timing of what you said — what you said was harsh. It was harsh. And you know, the man just died. He has people who love him. In hindsight, might you have waited a week? Read more.

Who is Peter King?

Article 1 on Peter King:
But according to experts in counterterrorism law, if the tough-on-terror policies King trumpets today had taken effect a few decades earlier, King himself might have been subject to prosecution. Over parts of three decades, from his days as an aspiring politician in Long Island through his early years in Congress, King was one of the nation's most outspoken supporters of the Irish Republican Army and a prolific fundraiser for the Irish Northern Aid Committee (NorAid), allegedly the IRA's American fundraising arm. The IRA waged a paramilitary campaign against the British presence in Northern Ireland for decades before peace accords were signed in 1998. Part of that effort included bombings and shootings that resulted in civilian deaths in England and Northern Ireland. During the period of King's involvement, the US government accused both NorAid and the IRA of links to terrorism.

Article 2 on Peter King: "The British government is a murder machine," King said. He described the IRA, which mastered the car bomb as an instrument of urban terror, as a "legitimate force." And he compared Gerry Adams, the leader of Sinn Fein, the IRA's political wing, to George Washington.

In fact, all of Fox News seems to join in on the slander...

The Fox News rapid-response team distinguishes violence in the name of a religion from the practitioners of that religion -- as long as it's Christianity...

It gets better...

O'Reilly declares... "Andre is not Christian as you don't kill in that faith"

Yet... from Andre: "Considering the fact that my martyrdom operation draws ever closer I decided to bring one to enjoy with my extended family at our annual Christmas party in December."

Even historically...

"Augustine Gave the policy of persecution his personal approval, supplied theological justification, concern heresy and schism rather that paganism. We ought to be careful about those converted through the sword, those who accepted Christianity for political or social advantage. Scarcely ever is Jesus thought for His own sake."

[Note: Accusing someone of heresy means death in the old world, if believed. Augustine condemned a whole sect, i.e. he authorized genocide]

On Christmas...

Tuesday December 13, 2005
Bill O'Reilly campaigns against the secularization of Christmas by putting those who wish 'Happy Holidays' on the naughty list....

Above at 3 mins 45 seconds: "Seasons Greetings and happy holidays, Bill, does not offend Christians" : Reply by Bill O'Reilly, "Yes, it does."


Article: December 4, 2005: This Season's War Cry: Commercialize Christmas, or Else

The American Family Association is leading a boycott of Target for not using the words "Merry Christmas" in its advertising. (Target denies it has an anti-Merry-Christmas policy.) The Catholic League boycotted Wal-Mart in part over the way its Web site treated searches for "Christmas." Bill O'Reilly, the Fox anchor who last year started a "Christmas Under Siege" campaign, has a chart on his Web site of stores that use the phrase "Happy Holidays," along with a poll that asks, "Will you shop at stores that do not say 'Merry Christmas'?"

Daily Show: The War on Christmas Returns!

O'Reilly responds to the 'Daily Show' host mocking the 'War on Christmas' scenario

Bill O Reilly's "War on Christmas" continues... Congress Forbidden to Wish Merry Christmas on Tax Payer Dime

Gotcha TV: Crews Stalk Bill O’Reilly’s Targets

O’Reilly Dines in Harlem, Talks About It, Then Hears About It

Perhaps no one better portrays himself as a pugnacious champion of the little man than Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

Bill O'Reilly loses his temper over a teleprompter problem on the set of "Inside Edition."

As far as Stephen's concerned, Bill O'Reilly did nothing wrong in that "Inside Edition" clip.

The Catholic Church punishes Patrick Kennedy for being pro-choice, but takes 20 years to suspend a pedophile priest. (03:38)

As an IRA supporter, Peter King understands the violent radicalism among American Muslims.

Angst over a ten-year killing spree by a neo-Nazi group

Militia members plotted to kill federal officials, prosecutors say

Bill O'Reilly Defends His Nazi Analogies (from Jon Stewart from The Daily Show which appeared on this episode)...

Above: At 6 minutes "These far left Nazis" Bill O'Reilly

Bill O' Reilly Interview Part 1 and Part 2...

Above: Bill O'Reilly's solution to budget crisis is '10% cuts across the board'... irrespective of what is being cut. For a 2-3% increase on his personal taxes.

This is what the fight against the 2-3% tax increase looked like...

Above: Approx 4 mins... Notice that Bill O Reilly owns 'corporations', i.e. plural. Read more about corporations here (Is that why Bill supports Mitt Romney and the GOP?).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Frank Luntz: Market Researcher, Salesman and Fox News "Analyst"


How to handle an audience and appeal to their feelings:

1. Body language tips,
2. Handling audience tips,
3. Creating a more positive phrase for 'drilling for oil' became 'energy exploration'. (inaccuracy doesn't matter as long as there is a sliver of fact - KISS principle, i.e'. keep it simple stupid),
4. 'climate change' as opposed to 'global warming' ,
5. 'simple truth' (not a lie as it contains a sliver of fact!),
6. 'you decide' to lock in the last manipulative phrase (most of the viewers decisions are based on the views of who they trust... even the books they read ), 7. 'buzz words' - words that people focus on opposed to facts,
8. Use 'simple truth' only once in a discussion or article ?,
9. A criminal getting caught should apologize 3 times, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, forgive me'
10. Uses the sighing gesture in an interesting way... separating interview reality from fox news manipulations realities,
11. Frank Luntz is marketing a book,which means some this information is open for the public. Not doing so would make people angry so he is being smart.

More information...

Stephen Colbert: I want you to help me make the idea, corporations are people, appealing to Americans. Is that possible?

Frank Luntz: It's gonna be a challenge but I believe it can be done

[Learn more about corporations here.]


1. How a group of people is convened to see HOW to market to people and although people start off against corporations they soften and start helping out.

2. A variety of images are tested. Given the environment, the feeling of group sentiments and the feeling invoked by the images on the screen, may have actually helped bring the poeple around to helping create an image for corporations.

3. Based on this focus group Frank Luntz declares that, "...effectively communicating... that 'corporations are people' clearly CAN be done."

(Notice the reflexive reaction by Frank Luntz when Stephen Colbert tries to dip the flag in tea. What other reflexive behavior might he have that could be used to a truth tellers advantage?)

4. Using this information he creates a 30 second add using words and visuals that have been carefully tested to create positive feelings for an idea that is essentially a lie (i.e. a corporation is a legal entity that exists only on paper, clearly NOT a human being or 'person'.)

In other words, what Frank Luntz did was create an atmosphere to get useful feedback for a marketing/advertising campaign.

The following Focus Group consists of people who are 1. All Republican, 2. All know they are on live TV, 3. Probably feel sympathy for Mitt Romney because of the 'Mormonism' scandal and that is the cause of the emotional move towards Romney, however, all the reasons given are carefully thought out to look good (it's TV dammit!). Notice some of the words used to support Romney include 'elegant' and 'Reaganesque' which are so subjective that an emotional reason for their explanations make allot of sense...

Participants said Romney "looked presidential," called him "Reaganesque," "elegant," and "decisive," and praised his "specific answers." Perry, on the other hand, was pegged as "too defensive" and "such a waffler." One woman called his support for education for illegal immigrants "absolutely disgusting."

Here is how an add testing works:

 Notes from above;

1. Topic: How to be negative without seeming negative (i.e. negative adds had a bad reaction so a focus group was created to create attack adds that don't seem like attack adds)

2. Using above information in a good comfortable setting followed by that group recording their opinions second by second in response to an add (note that rapport has already been established with the focus group - see Colbert Report video above).

3. People have prepared their answers (themselves of course, they want to look good. It's TV.)

[Also Read: The Emotional Nature of Decision Making ].

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Meet Ann Coulter - Through Her Book "Demonic" and 'Occupy Wall Street' Protest Views

Joy Behar: Interview with Ann Coulter on her Book "Demonic;

Although the general idea of an individual losing themselves in a mass movement is correct, the 'occupy wall street' movement has legitimate demands with definable solutions that, if addressed, would resolve the protestors problems. However, constant fighting by creating an 'us vs. them' dynamic could create such a mass movement.

Approx 2 min 30 seconds into video: Ann Coulter says this is the sort of movement that leads to totalitarianism! [See Republican behavior in Debt Ceiling Debate, then continue reading...]

Ann Coulter on Fox News on 'Occupy Wall Street'(Link to video is here)

From a transcript:
ANN COULTER, "DEMONIC" AUTHOR: Yes. I mean, certainly the liberal reaction to it. Part of -- what the book is about and the reason it is called "Demonic" is that I've always sort of noticed that liberals behave in a mob-like way.

So I read every book I could find that mentions mobs, crowds, group- think and finally read Gustave Le Bon's "The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind." He's the father of group think, French philosopher, social psychologist and you read his book and page after page oh, that's liberals. That's liberals.

For example, creating messiahs, a crowd very quickly goes to extremes, they're simple-minded, they will create messiahs and I have a hilarious chapter because I quote liberals on what they say about FDR, JFK, about Clinton, about Obama, fainting at his speeches, they're pledging their loyalty to him. Same thing with Clinton, go back to him and meanwhile, Ronald Reagan wasn't even the most popular conservative his first year in office. My newspaper "Human Events," which was Ronald Reagan's favorite newspaper was attacking him so much. The Washington Post reported at one point that Reagan said and I'm still reading you guys, but I'm liking you a lot less. And I've got headlines throughout all late years of the Reagan administration.

We don't worship our leaders. We don't turn them into idols, probably because we have a real savior. We certainly don't demonize the opponents that way we do. We may ridicule them, make jokes about them. But the way they turned George Bush into the enemy, a Nazi. George Soros and Al Gore have all compared him to Hitler. He was compared to Usama bin Laden by a New York Times op-ed writer. William Raspberry, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, a liberal, called him the devil.

These aren't intended to be jokes. They are not taken as jokes and then you do get actual violence from the left. You still get it now. Big part in the middle comparing the French Revolution to the American Revolution, something liberals lie about. I was surprised how many of my friends knew very little about the French revolution and then you always see being lied about including on Chris Matthews show last week. It was just like ours, wasn't that for liberty?

The New York Times talks about Bastille Day being the equivalent to the 4th of July. No, Bastille Day, it would be as if this country celebrated the L.A. riots. It was a monstrous, beastly attack on a nearly empty prison because it was an eyesore based on rumors. This is the revolt of a mob. It was an extremely anti-religious revolution. They desecrated Notre Dame.

In fact, the word vandalism had to be created because of the French revolution and what they did to the churches and monasteries. They destroyed ancient valuable monasteries, ripped them to the ground, hacked priests to death, gave mock sermons, wiping their behinds with the host, talking about the whore the Virgin Mary. That was their revolution. It's a revolution of the mob that was then followed in Russia. It was followed in Cuba. It was followed in China. It was followed in Cambodia.

By the way liberals in this country and The New York Times cheered on all those revolutions that followed the French revolution. The successful revolution, our revolution, which was fought by Christians, Englishmen, thinkers, debaters, that has not been followed around the world. Interestingly enough the Tea Party, the original Boston Tea Party was not warmly embraced by our founding fathers. They were worried because they thought it was the action of a mob.

HANNITY: Let me just go. Right out of the box. You talk about the psychology of the liberal and the Democratic Party is the party of a mob. Irrespective of what the mob represents. They activate mobs. They depend on mobs. They coddle mobs.

You know, you're on "Good Morning America" tomorrow. The first question is going to be are you saying all liberals and all Democrats are mobsters, Ann Coulter? There's a point that you're making -- that's why I wanted you to go on uninterrupted here because throughout the book you are laying out a case that ends in a conclusion. It's not something we could even get in in two segments, but I really want you to follow through from that starting point and all the examples and you lead us through the French revolution to conclude -- to come up with this title "Demonic," which they will freak out about, why?

COULTER: Well, I began the book with the scene in the Bible when Jesus approaches the possessed man and this man screaming out of his mind. Don't torture me. Jesus, little exchange, Jesus says what is your name? He answers my name is Legion.

The demons run out of him. The demon's name is Legion. The demon is always a mob. You see this over and over again. In real life exorcisms, they talk to the possessed. It is always they. Satan saying they all belong to me and this is -- I mean, it is part of why liberals are a mob and are so obsessed with status and power. Conservatives, as I said, have a real savior. It is more up and down. We don't care as much. In fact, Christians kind --

HANNITY: People suggest you are saying that all liberals are demonic, you are not saying that. There's a point though that you are making about --

COULTER: Mobs are always demonic. They are antithetical to this country's history. We have always understood that mobs were dangerous. I mean, Shays' Rebellion is what created the Constitution. It was a mob uprising.

And the articles of confederation weren't enough to keep the people safe. As I say, the Boston Tea Party. They very concerned that it looked like the action of a mob and two of the participants Paul Revere and Sam Adams specifically defended the Boston Tea Party saying there was no property destruction, other than the Tea. Ben Franklin insisted they take up a collection to repay the India Tea Company. Paul Revere made sure the lock had to be cut for the Boston Tea Party was replaced. And one guy who took tea for his personal use was severely punished. It was not the act of a mob, but even that much upset them.

HANNITY: We are going to come back. As with all of your books, we try predict where the attacks are going to come from.

COULTER: You can't do it. Let's have an office pool here at Fox and see if anyone -- but you're all going to have the read the book.

The old (tried and true?), condescending hippie attitude:


So far, the only major accomplishment of the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters is that they have finally put an end to their previous initiative, "Occupy Our Mothers' Basements."

Oddly enough for such a respectable-looking group -- a mixture of adolescents looking for a cause, public sector union members, drug dealers, criminals, teenage runaways, people who have been at every protest since the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, Andrea Dworkin look-alikes, people 95 percent of whose hair is concentrated in their ponytails and other average Democrats -- they can't even explain what they're protesting.

Note: She has switched to Romney-Cain. Her views sharply conflict Ron Paul's views (Also see 'Case for Ron Paul 2012')

Ron Paul on Occupy Wall Street Protestors


Ann Coulter's chilling two-chapter recapitulation of the French Revolution is worth well more than the price of her new book, "Demonic," but that's just a bonus.

Also priceless are Coulter's plethora of one-liner skewerings of the liberal mob, but I digress. What make this her best book are her incisive demonstration that the revolution was the mother of the many totalitarian "revolutions" it spawned in the name of the people, her dissection of the mob mentality that drove it, and her case against today's American liberals as exemplars of this mob mentality.

She first establishes her base line, defining the mob as "an irrational, childlike, often violent organism that derives its energy from the group. Intoxicated by messianic goals, the promise of instant gratification, and adrenaline-pumping exhortations, mobs create mayhem, chaos, and destruction, leaving a smoldering heap of wreckage for their leaders to climb to power."

This description sounds allot like the part 1 of my article on the, I guess 'mob-like', features of the new tea party created by Fox News - [Modern Fundamentalism] - Law 27: Play On People's Need to Believe to Create A Cultlike Following (part 1)

From LA Times:

When CBS' Jeff Glor asked what inspired her to write the book, Coulter replied, "How difficult it can be to talk to liberals. You're talking about Fannie Mae pushing subprime mortgages on the banks, bigger banks bundling the mortgages, and then the real estate market tanking and blowing up the entire economy -- and suddenly they're babbling about Bush driving a car into a ditch."


Overview of "Socialism"

Overview of The Republican Party

Class Warfare 

Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party

The Financial Disaster with PBS and The Daily Show